Having the opportunity to belong to Stories.com has given me great pleasure to be linked to people as interested in writing and art as I am. I’ve been given the honor to be part of something great. Abstracts Magazine (E-zine) is the collaboration of noble minds. The senior editor-in-chief Nicole Thomas, a fellow published author, gave me the chance to be part of the magic. As Artistic Assistant for Abstracts, I get to put pictures to words. Not as easy as it sounds. Left to my own devises I came up with some drawings for the publication. Here are some of the works I’ve done for Abstracts.
![Abstracts Logo](https://robertrootes.tripod.com/drawings/abstractlogotrans.gif)
This is the before and after of the cover art I did for Abstracts.
The Rest of the drawings are in no order. There are no links, just the drawings as shown. Title shown when curser is over picture. Enjoy.
![A Winter's Day](https://robertrootes.tripod.com/drawings/winter.jpg)
COPYRIGHT 2000/2001/2002 Robert Rootes
E-mail Khevron, Web-designer
E-mail Robert, Author
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